The silent sound of dripping, sub rosa.
A remnant limb of a worm-holed cherry tree.
An entrance, a foyer of iridescent walls, leading us back and forth in time.
A pool of growing bodies – glimmering in microscales – acting as reminders of times that have been, or are yet to come.
In the (nonmetaphoric) use of the term ‘participation’ Monika Gabriela Dorniak introduced a site-specific arrangement, that responded to the architectural memory of In the Closet.
The solo exhibition presents old and new works of Dorniak’s series Aesthetics of Knowledge (2019-ongoing). The score Your Body is a Water Vessel (2021/2022), for which Dorniak collaborated with sound artist Monty Callaghan, accomponied the installation.

the (nonmetaphoric) use of the term ‘participation’
Exhibition period: Dec 08-Dec 30, 2023
InTheCloset, Lithuania
Curator/Text: Vsevolod Kovalevskij
Photographer: Laurynas Skeisgiela
Kindly supported by Goethe Institute Vilnius.
Echo Gone Wrong (English)
Art News Lithuania (Lithuanian)
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